Blog & News
What is Arbo?
What is Arbo? Arbo is the abbreviation for ArbeidsOmstandigheden (Working Conditions). This refers to the Arbowet. This law states that every employee has the right to a safe and healthy workplace. In 1861 Samuel Senior Coronel published the book 'The Doctrine...
5 solutions for staff shortages
5 sustainable solutions for staff shortages There are currently more job openings than there are job seekers. Due to the aging population, the labor shortage is structural. All the more important to invest in staff & to look at opportunities that have not yet been...
Development counts! Festival
Development counts! Festival Again this year, the government and SER are organizing the Development Counts Event! Festival. The event will be held online on September 22 and physically in The Hague on October 13.The event is for anyone who is committed to sustainable...
A big problem: Employee financial stress
A big problem: Employee financial stress As many as 8% of households have registered problematic debts and 50% of households are financially vulnerable. This makes financial stress a major social problem. The consequences Employee financial stress can lead to lost...
Why hybrid working can promote employee health and well-being.
Why hybrid working can promote employee health and well-being. Hybrid work is a flexible approach that allows employees to split their time between working in the office and working from home. Since the coronavirus we have been working more from home in The...
Stricter enforcement for hazardous materials
Stricter enforcement for hazardous materials As of February 9, 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, has tightened the policy rules for imposing fines under the Working Conditions Act. The biggest change in this is in the area of hazardous materials....