General inspections.
Lamers Zorg & Arbeid has medical examinations carried out by Meditel. You can easily schedule your appointment via their online planning site. Because these are individual inspections and not group inspections, they are listed as private inspections on this planning site.
If you wish to undergo an examination, whether or not in consultation with your employer and not being an appointment examination, click here for the planning site. The inspections listed meet the specific professional requirements. If your desired inspection is not listed, customization is always possible.
Position-specific health assessment
If the performance of the job entails additional risks for the health and or safety of the employee and/or third parties, there may be obligations to undergo a pre-employment medical examination.
These assessments are bound to strict rules. Lamers Zorg & Arbeid can inform you about the rules and for which jobs these examinations are mandatory.
Of course, if necessary, we can conduct an appointment examination for your (new) employee and arrange this process for you.

If you have a question or are interested in our services, please fill in our contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
De Wetstraat 130
7551 GC Hengelo