Second Opinion
Second Opinion
IThe Occupational Health and Safety Law (Arbowet) states that employees have the right to a second opinion. A second opinion should answer the question about occupational health issues. If an employee doubts the advice of the company doctor (bedrijfsarts), the employee may request a second opinion from another company doctor. The purpose of a second opinion is to increase the quality of occupational health care and give employees more certainty about the accuracy of an opinion.
A second opinion must be obtained from the first company doctor. Only the employee can do this. A company doctor may reject the request for a second opinion if he has weighty arguments for doing so. If the first company doctor rejects the request for a second opinion on improper grounds, the employee may file a complaint with the occupational health and safety service or company doctor. The cost of a second opinion is the responsibility of the employer.
The second opinion advice is not binding. The advice of the second company doctor is discussed with the employee, and with permission, forwarded to the first company doctor. The advice may be accepted in whole, in part or not at all by the first company doctor. When the second opinion is requested by the employee, the current agreements with the first company doctor continue. If the employee feels that the first company doctor does not take enough account of the advice of the second company doctor, they can request that further guidance be transferred to another company doctor.
We are connected to a national pool of company physicians through OVAL.
If you have a question or are interested in our services, please fill in our contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
De Wetstraat 130
7551 GC Hengelo